Mohsen Mirhoseini

Senior Android Developer & Team/Tech Lead

Android development — The must-have Android Studio plugins

Android Developer Tips
Android Developer Tips
Android development — The must-have Android Studio plugins

As an Android developer, it’s crucial to have powerful tools that make our development process easier.

In this video, Ilyas Ipek joins me to share some of the most useful Android Studio plugins that you may find helpful.


Android development — Maestro, Android Modern UI Testing

Android Developer Tips
Android Developer Tips
Android development — Maestro, Android Modern UI Testing

Maestro is the simplest and most effective mobile UI testing framework. Maestro is built on learnings from its predecessors (Appium, Espresso, UIAutomator, XCTest) and allows you to easily define and test your Flows.

In this episode, I’ve asked Zhanibek Marshal to join me and share his experience using this framework.
